HomeHealthEffective Ways To Reduce Smartphone Screen Time (That Really Work)

Effective Ways To Reduce Smartphone Screen Time (That Really Work)

Do you spend too much time on your smartphone? Here are proven ways to reduce smartphone screen time.

We’re slowly becoming addicted to our smartphones. According to a study, adults check their smartphones 58 times daily and have more than 3 hours of screen time daily.

Does too much smartphone screen time affect our brains? Yes, it does. Neuroimaging research states that excessive screen time damages the brain.

However, we cannot imagine our life without smartphones in today’s web-connected world. So, we should limit our screen time as little as possible.

In today’s post, I will share practical ways to reduce smartphone screen time without affecting productivity.

Let’s dive in:

1. Uninstall Unnecessary Apps

To reduce screen time and curb device addiction, the first step is to observe your device usage pattern.

All the latest iOS devices have the Screen Time feature, which keeps a record of the usage duration of the apps.

Android devices come with the Digital Wellbeing app, which has similar functions. The numbers will reveal which apps consume most of your precious time.

Uninstall the apps that don’t add value, and you will notice a significant decrease in screen time.

2. Turn Off the Notifications

Product offers, new streaming content, or likes/comments are some of the many forms of notifications to distract you. They lure you into unlocking your phone and then glue you to your screen.

So, turn off all those notifications. And set a fixed time to check your essential apps. As you get used to fewer notifications, you’ll find yourself less attached to your phone.

3. Log Out of Social Media Apps

A surefire way to reduce screen time is to log out of all the social media apps you use.

When you have to enter your credentials every time you open the apps, you’ll feel discouraged from accessing them. It would be even better if you uninstall all the social media apps.

You can use the browser, instead, to check updates from your friends. Also, when you aren’t logged in, you won’t get any notifications, messages, or other pings on your phone.

4. Check Emails Only at Fixed Times

The momentary peeking in your mailbox every few minutes piles up over the day without you even realizing it. And doing so distracts you from work, too.

So, instead of needlessly refreshing your mail app now and then, set specific times to get the updates.

Depending on your work requirements, it can be once every hour, every three hours, or twice a day. For the rest of the time, focus on your tasks and not the screen.

5. Unplug the Work Email Account From Your Phone

Checking work emails on your phone can consume a substantial chunk of your screen time. And if you feel the urge to reply as soon as they arrive, it can add to your screen time.

Therefore, don’t sync your work-related emails with all your devices. When you access your email account only through your PC, your screen time will be significantly less.

Also, check your work email account only during working hours.

6. Get on a Call Instead of Lengthy Chats

Texting, messaging, and exchanging files throughout the day are one of the major culprits of humongous screen time. And you can reduce it.

When you’ve to discuss something, get on a call. You’ll be surprised how an hour-long chat can fit into mere a few minutes of a call.

7. Use an Alarm Clock Instead of Your Phone

By using your mobile device as an alarm clock, you expose yourself to elongated screen time.

You may be tempted to check your emails or social media accounts as you pick up your phone every morning.

So, invest in a good old alarm clock instead, and keep your phone away at night. Even better if you can keep it out of your bedroom for the night.

8. Keep Your Phone Away While Going to Bed

Getting cozy with your phone on the bed might lead you into a rabbit hole of binge-watching your favorite web series.

It might feel comforting after a long day, but restrict such activities to the couch. While on the bed, pick up a book or listen to music to unwind.

By avoiding endless streaming and scrolling during your sleeping hours, you’ll notice a considerable reduction in active screen time.

9. Shift Bed/Couch Away From Charging Points

Another way to reduce your screen time is by avoiding mobile phones while they’re charging.

So, move your bed, couch, or other sitting arrangements away from the electronic sockets.

Not only will it stop you from using your phone at a stretch, but it will also keep away the temptation of checking notifications every few minutes.

10. Establish Screen-Free Schedules

Enjoying moments with your family members, too, can help you get rid of screen addiction. And you can make a rule for everyone to keep their phones away during family time.

For example, everyone should not have their phones while dining or having tea together.

You can also plan group activities with family members, friends, and others to enjoy time away from digital devices.

What’s more, you can even set up screen-free zones. For example, long hours on the phone won’t be allowed in the bedroom or dining room.

11. Indulge in Real-Life Games

Many multiplayer board games and card games are available for mobile. And people play them with their loved ones too.

However, if you’re serious about reducing your on-screen time, participate in real-life games.

Playing board games or card games with friends in real will keep you from checking your mobile repetitively. Traditional card games are more enjoyable than their virtual versions.

12. Take Up a New Hobby

Having a new activity to occupy yourself will definitely decrease your screen time. You can get up in the morning for yoga or set time aside for gardening in the evening.

You can even learn to cook or play a new musical instrument. Reading books, sketching, and fishing are all the various hobbies waiting to be taken. The list is endless.

So, find an activity you’ll enjoy and immerse yourself in it. Doing so will certainly help you reduce screen time.

13. Stop Taking Your Phone to Your Bathroom

Using the bathroom for its sole purpose of easing/cleaning yourself, you can cut back on-screen time.

Instead of watching videos on YouTube, you can read a magazine or newspaper. Or you can sit idle for a moment.

Spend those few minutes focusing on your thoughts, pondering over ideas, or concentrating on the task.

And by keeping your phone away while in the bathroom, you might even feel more productive.

14. Have a Partner To Watch You

Letting someone know about your quest for reduced screen time can help you achieve your objective.

That someone might be your partner, a friend, or a family member who’ll watch your activities and monitor your progress.

Finding a partner who also wants to reduce screen time works better. You can keep tabs on and motivate each other to minimize screen time.

15. Outline Realistic Goals for Screen Time

When your work needs you to reach digital devices, reducing it to a minimum won’t be feasible. But with some introspection, you can find ways to decrease the exposure.

So, instead of taking drastic steps, set more attainable goals and reduce the time gradually.

You can begin by decreasing your time by one hour over the week. And if you think you can reduce it to half, set the limit as such. The key is to set realistic goals and achieve them.

Yes, You Can Reduce Smartphone Screen Time

You owe it to yourself to use your smartphone judiciously to live healthily. Too much screen time can cause various health complications, such as obesity, insomnia, or mood swings. Following the tips above, you can undoubtedly reduce screen time.

What about you? Do you want to share any other tips to reduce screen time? Please share them in the comment section. I’d love to know about them.

Additional Resources:

Kamalika De
Kamalika Dehttp://doquickly.com
Kamalika De is an independent writer and the co-founder of DoQuickly. She is a regular contributor to Entrepreneur, Hackernoon, YourStory, Business2Community. and many other leading platforms. Contact her to get awesome content for your brand.



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