HomePersonalityFive Shyness Overcoming Tips That Work Quickly

Five Shyness Overcoming Tips That Work Quickly

Some people have it easy. They visit a party, and their WhatsApp contacts multiply. Facebook connection requests flood in. Twitter followers increase. But all of us are not that lucky. The thought of attending a party triggers chronic anxiety in some people, let alone making new connections.

Some of us consider us to be alone. Such people stay at parties counting the minutes in a corner, holding a single drink, and avoiding any interaction. But it does not have to be like this, always. Beyond the odd nods and the forced smile, there are some possibilities that you can explore.

Overcoming shyness is not easy. A lot of preparation goes into it. You will often ask yourself, “Is it worth the trouble”? “Aren’t I happy being shy?”

But more often, we dread the possibility of total social isolation. We fear that our shyness will be our doom. We might not even be called for the next party.

However, before you lose all hope, here are a few tips to rekindle your faith. Check out the fabulous ways to overcome shyness and make new friends quickly.

1. Start Fresh at Each Event

We often make the mistake of tagging along with the same acquaintances at each event. This prevents us from making new friends and brands us as shy individuals.

Do not allow your friends to introduce you. This will snatch the power from you to initiate a conversation.

Go to any social gathering devoid of any emotional baggage. It is preferred if you arrive alone and then meet your friends there.

Entering alone will give you the recognition of an individual and not just a group member. Soon, you will realize that friendly strangers are better than known critics.

2. Stop Yourself From Self-Sabotaging

You are your worst enemy when it comes to self-confidence. Stop criticizing your inner capabilities.

You are as interesting as the next person at the party. No life is without its stories; you have your tales to tell.

Carry a smile and nod at people when you make eye contact. This gives a positive signal to the crowd. Shy people often avoid eye contact. That is why you should stop fiddling with your phone.

Do not pretend to be busy when you are at a social gathering. This will eventually lead to a frustrating night and a lonely ride back home.

3. Nobody Sounds Boring Unless They Want To

Shy people approach conversations with great trepidation. They think that they will sound boring.

Nothing interesting has ever happened in their lives. At least nothing interesting has occurred, which is worth mentioning.

But always remember that the charming musician at the party also has to make his own breakfast. The girl, who is making people laugh, also has to do her own laundry.

It is not about how you spend the day but how you perceive it. Start introducing yourself with brief details. Just mentioning the name would not work all the time.

Brief details, like where you work or what you are studying, give people the clue to carrying on a conversation.

4. Catch the Tone of a Conversation

Once you have introduced yourself, try to answer the reciprocating questions positively. It is always a good sign if people ask you questions. It shows that they are curious.

Avoiding giving answers will make them lose interest. There are always a lot of people at a party. Their focus will shift if you do not answer.

Also, do not tone down or criticize yourself while answering. For instance, if you are a teacher or a social worker, do not claim that it is nothing worth mentioning.

If a group is conversing about a particular restaurant or a club, feel free to share your opinion. If you have not visited the place yet, you can always start by asking about it. This will make them include you in their further conversations.

5. Make a Mental Note of Things

Before attending a party or social event, note what you want to achieve. The targets should not be too steep. Otherwise, you will get depressed if you fail.

Set simple goals of making one new connection or introducing yourself to two new people. Acquaintances of your existing friends should also count. This way, you will know you do not have a challenging task ahead.

Keep increasing this goal as you move from one event to another. Every time, come back home and cross-check what you have achieved.

Soon enough, after a month or two, you will gain self-confidence. And before you know it, you will no longer be known as a shy person.

Shyness Overcoming Tips Explained

Overcoming shyness takes time and practice. Remember, taking small steps and being patient with yourself is okay. Keep building your confidence step by step, and don’t be too hard on yourself if you have setbacks.

By using these shyness overcoming tips, you can gradually conquer shyness and become more comfortable in social situations. So, go out there, be yourself, and embrace the beautiful journey of self-growth.

Do you want to share any shyness overcoming tips? Please leave them in the comment section. I’d love to know about them. 

Additional Resources:

Subhajyoti Sengupta
Subhajyoti Sengupta
Subhajyoti is a travel & food writer and a cartoonist from Calcutta with more than 10 years of experience. Currently based in Europe, he is exploring the colonial cultural roots of his own hometown and learning more about the history and arts. His works have been published in many websites in India and Europe.


  1. Hello Sohana,
    Thanks for the comment. Shyness is a general defense mechanism for people. We tend to avoid conversations in the dread of being humiliated or being found uninteresting. But the fact is that we are all interesting in our own ways. So, now I go out there and talk to people without hesitation.


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