HomePetDog Bad Habits (And What to Do About Them)

Dog Bad Habits (And What to Do About Them)

Dogs repeat behaviors, which they find rewarding. They jump on you, because you pet them. They eat food off the counter, because you fed them. Sometimes, they also learn and mimic bad habits from other dogs. But these dog bad habits, when overlooked, become a nuisance.

Today, I’m writing about bad dog habits I cannot tolerate, and how to train dogs out of their bad habits.

Dog Bad Habits:

Here are common bad habits that dogs often pick up. 

1- Excessive Barking

Barking is the natural way of communication for dogs. Mostly, they bark to alert or warn you. They bark on hearing a knock on the door. And some also bark when they’re excited to meet someone.

However, it gets irritating when they keep barking at your guests, cars passing by, or just because they want to bark.

2- Unnecessary Chewing

Chewing is a normal behavior in dogs. All dogs chew, especially when they’re teething. They also chew to relieve sore gums, strengthen their teeth, and release excess energy. Chewing relieves them from stress and boredom too.

However, it’s frustrating when your pooch chews and destroys your shoes, furniture and other objects lying around.

3- Begging for Food

Many pups make “puppy eye” faces during dinner or snacking time. We find this begging act cute. And we give in to their silent demands by feeding them from our meal.

But once they find this begging rewarding, they keep repeating the behavior. Later, some even become aggressive.

4- Pulling on the Leash

Your dog pulling on the leash while on a walk is one of the most annoying dog habits. They do so as they feel stressed being on a leash. Some pull on the leash also when they hear or see something exciting nearby.

It gets dangerous though, when they are overexcited, trying to grab moving objects.

5- Climbing on Furniture

We like to curl up with our dogs on bed or on couch. They are cuddly and provide us with warmth. Also, they like to be with their favorite human as much as possible.

But it becomes a problem when they climb on bed anytime, even when they’re dirty. And you can do nothing about it.

6- Chasing Things Around

Many dogs enjoy chasing things around. Chasing and hunting are their natural instinct, and they enjoy it. They can’t ignore the desire, the temptation to chase. It’s thrilling to run after chickens, rats, squirrels or other small animals.

This natural behavior of chasing, however, can be frustrating when they start chasing random cars, bicycles and motorcycles.

7- Jumping on You

Another of the common dog bad habits is they jumping on you. Dogs jump and lick or smell upon meeting. It’s their way of showing excitement and love. This behavior may seem cute, but only when they’re puppies.

As they grow older, jumping can become dangerous. Injuries occur when they knock you down or scratch you with untrimmed nails.

8- Counter Surfing

We, sometimes, feed our dog from the counter while preparing meal. It encourages them to get into the habit of picking food off counters or counter surfing.

But once they get into the habit, they try to pick and eat whatever they can find on the counter. And this habit can take a long time to get rid of.

9- Urinating Indoors

Urinating indoors or house soiling is among common dog bad habits, which is mostly because of improper house training. But sometimes, they urinate to “mark” their territories. Dogs urinate also when they’re overexcited or scared.

However, this habit is a cause of annoyance for those living in the house, when it goes uncontrolled.

Reasons why Dogs Pick Bad Habits

There are reasons why your dog is exhibiting those bad habits. Here are those reasons:

1- Improper Training

Lack of proper training is one of the major causes of why many dogs misbehave. Dogs pick up bad habits simply because they haven’t been told otherwise. They’re to be trained, just like a kid. Then only they can differentiate between the good habits of dog and the bad ones.

2- Separation Anxiety

Dogs are emotional creatures. They behave abnormally or get into bad habits when left alone for long periods of time. They may be destructive, with no intention of doing so. This separation anxiety can also arise because of a phobia or a trauma they’ve experienced. So it goes without saying that you should relive anxiety in your dog. 

3- Boredom

Some dogs have high energy. They need to use their energy somewhere. And when they don’t know what to do with themselves, they end up jumping, running around and destroying things. They misbehave due to sheer boredom.

Ways to Prevent Bad Habits in Dogs

Yes, you can prevent bad habits in your dog. Follow these steps: 

1- Train them From Beginning

Training is the key to prevent dog bad habits from becoming a nuisance. Train them to sit, come and stop from doing something you don’t like. Teach them a new command every week right from the beginning. Once they understand what to do and what not to, they’re less likely to misbehave.

2- Reward Good Behaviors

Rewarding dog and praising them for their good behaviors is another way to keep them away from bad habits. When you reward them for a desired behavior, they’ll stop the unwelcome habits. Petting them, offering them treats and giving them your attention are all forms of rewards for behaving well.

3- Provide them with Regular Exercise

Dogs need regular exercise and physical activity to channel their energy. Play with them more often. You can help them get adequate exercise also by walking them or providing them plenty of area to play around. Regular exercise makes them tired, and a tired dog is less likely to get into bad habits.

4- Be Consistent in Your Efforts

Consistent efforts can make a lot of difference in preventing dog’s bad habits. Not only you but everyone in the house should follow the same standards. If you want dogs off the couch, no one should allow them on the couch. When the rules are consistent, the bad habits go away soon.

5- Supervise to Keep Away Bad Habits

Supervising your dog’s activity is the easiest way to prevent them from learning bad habits. Correct them when they’re doing something wrong. And do not leave them alone until they have learned the etiquettes. Supervising helps in keeping away bad habits from your dog in the first place.

Frequently Asked Questions about Dog Bad Habits 

1- What is the most common behavior problem in dogs?

Excessive barking is the most common behavior problem in dogs. They can do so for various reasons, like excitement, anxiety or boredom.

2- What are the signs of a bad dog?

Bad breath, frequent peeing and loss of appetite are some of the common signs of a bad dog.

3- What are bad habits dogs have?

Begging for food, pulling on the leash and urinating in the house are some bad habits many dogs have.

4- How do I break my dog’s bad habits?

Breaking dog bad habits takes time. But with regular training, appropriate rewards and consistent efforts, you can break your dog’s bad habits.

Final Words

It can take lots of patience and efforts to develop healthy habits for your dog and prevent dog bad habits. But with proper training, rewards for good behaviors and regular exercise, you can keep your dog from learning bad habits. Just be consistent in your efforts and supervise their activity closely.

Abhijeet Kumar
Abhijeet Kumar
Abhijeet is an introvert and lazy freelance writer. When not working, he reads and explores different lifestyles. And he loves to write about those too.


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