Personality traits affect your life. You cannot expect positive outcomes when you hang out with negative personality traits. After all, your life is the sum of personality and actions. In this article, I’m going to mention common negative personality traits that can hinder one’s success.
Without further ado, let’s dive in:
Negative Personality Traits
1- Pessimistic
Do you always complain about everything? If you do, then buddy you need to change.
Only people who cannot see the positives will always complain. Don’t be one of them. Your pessimistic nature can ruin your life. It blocks the opportunity from your vision.
The following short story will help you to understand better.
Richard and Jack want to open their new shoe shop. But they couldn’t find anyone who wore shoes and there was no shoe shop. Richard thought there is no customer here that’s why there is no shop here. But Jack thought there are a lot of customers here and no competition. This is how you should think.
DoQuickly Tip
Try a gratitude journal of writing down the good things that happened to you every day, even on your worst days. This practice turns you optimistic and lets you see the opportunities.
2- Laziness

Let’s measure your laziness. Do you want to know how lazy you are?
Here’s the answer. A week contains 168 hours. If you work
6 hours/day 6*5 → 30 hours a week.
7 hours/day 7*5 → 35 hours a week.
8 hours/day 8*5 → 40 hours a week.
9 hours/day 9*5 → 45 house a week.
9 hours/ day might be a big number in a day. However, if you compare it to a week of 168 hours, it’s very small.
How many hours did you work in a week productively?. Maybe 20 to 30 hours. Tell yourself honestly. This number is the score of your life. There is no secret formula to success. If you work on more hours consistently, you gain success. Simple as that.
DoQuickly Tip
Try to increase the working hours week by week. Even just 10 minutes boosts your life 10 times.
3- Impatience
There is a saying. A person of patience can even rule the world. But now it seems this world rules us with impatience. We live in the world of impulse. Tell me how many times did you buy unnecessary things, just because it’s a discount or limited time offer.
The impulse brain acts on emotions and the brain of patience act on rationality and intelligence. That’s why the e-commerce websites tell you only 1 stock is available, hurry up. But in reality, it’s not true.
Say NO to being the victim of impatience with the help of the quick tip below
DoQuickly Tip
Create a plan before you get into action. Work only according to it no matter what. This helps you to think rationally rather than impulsively.
4- Irresponsibility
Everyone loves to blame others. It’s easy and satisfactory, but it’s also foolish. If you wish to stay where you are right now, then do it. But if you want to change, then stop blaming.
No one is responsible for your boring life, not the government, parents, friends, society. You only possess the power of changing your life as you desire. Taking responsibility for your life is the first step towards change.
Darren Hardy says it perfectly in the compound effect book
You alone are responsible for what you do, don’t do, or how you respond to what’s done to you
Darren Hardy
DoQuickly Tip
Take 100% responsibility for everything you do. I know it sounds odd. But this 100% number helps you stop blaming others and take responsibility.
5- Narcissism

Self-centered thinking is called narcissism. Don’t forget real success only comes when you cooperate with others.
The world doesn’t revolve around you. Humans persist through the dark ages only by working together. Your self-centered thoughts and decisions destroy your career, relationship, and life-changing opportunities.
Don’t ignore anything just because it’s not up to your belief. You have 2 ears so don’t bother to listen to contradictions through one.
DoQuickly Tip
Listen to different opinions often. Study them and then decide on that opinion.
6- Judgmental
Judging is the fashion of the millennial age. I know you did judge people, it’s difficult to resist, but you should work on it. Strangers will become friends only if you give time to understand them. Time is the key here not the color, look, or anything else.
Einstein is the greatest example. He used to appear crazy on the outside to some people. But the world knows his intellectual ability. He was one of the greatest minds of the century. So never judge a book by its cover, judge by its content.
7- Lack of Empathy
Sometimes you don’t feel empathy for others, that’s alright. But failing often to show compassion for others is a toxic attitude. This makes your surroundings worse than you imagine.
Showing that you care for others makes people trust you. It proves to them how valuable they are to you. Concern for other’s problems makes you stand out from the crowd. You don’t want people to repel you – you want to attract. So you should start empathizing with others.
DoQuickly Tip
Just ask yourself. How do I feel in their situation?. Contemplate on it.
8- Being Rude to Everyone
Some people share their suffering through hatred. That’s not the way it should go. You face rude people in everyday life. Our world is filled with these kinds of people. If you are also rude to them, it compounds and only spreads negativity.
This world needs more love and positivity now more than ever. You want the world to be nice right. Then start with yourself. Be kind to your neighbors and strangers. Being nice to good people is just a piece of cake, not being kind to rude people is difficult. Do the difficult one.
DoQuickly Tip
Use these 2 magic words sorry and thank you often. These words spread love and positivity to the world.
9- Disloyalty
It is difficult to see a loyal person nowadays. People don’t come forward to accept mistakes instead they cover them up. Are you one of them? If you are, then you cannot continue on this path forever.
Accepting mistakes and being loyal improves your career and relationships in the long run. Disloyalty damages your reputation and trust. People no longer believe in you when you are disloyal to them. Level up your life with loyalty.
Final thoughts
Work on the negative personality traits using the tips given, and you will see the changes in your life. Also, you should try to stay positive as positive emotions impact your health.
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