Yes, emotions can affect your health. And when those emotions are positive, the effect is pleasing. Thinking how positive emotions impact your health?
Well, when you’re happy, you’re better aware of yourself. It helps you take better control of your health.
Being positive will make you appreciate the good times. It results in lesser stress and better wellbeing, both physically and mentally. And it will further increase positivity. See, it keeps multiplying.
By having a positive outlook, you become more resilient. So today, let’s explore how positive emotions impact your health.
1. Lowers the Risk of Heart Diseases
Did you know heart diseases are among the major causes of death? And happiness and positivity can lower the risks of having one, finds a study.
When you get positive emotions often, you are happy for a longer period. You are content and relaxed. And you don’t succumb to stress. Instead, you’re enthusiastic about the upcoming experiences.
Sounds wonderful? Yes, it is, indeed.
With a positive outlook, by being optimistic, you keep stress at bay. It reduces the chances of high blood pressure levels, a major factor in causing heart diseases.
Combine it with healthy habits of living and physical activity, and you can enjoy a healthy heart for a longer time.
Happiness can also help people with heart disease. It may lower the risks of death by a heart-related problem.
2. Helps Combat Diabetes
Happiness and other positive emotions might keep you safe from diabetes too.
Diabetes occurs when the amount of glucose in the blood is high. And by being joyous, you can keep those levels in check.
When you’re happy, you prevent the body from producing excessive stress hormones. And it, in turn, helps reduce the release of glucose in the blood. So yes, positive emotions might help in lowering sugar levels, and thus the risks of having diabetes.
Physical activity will uplift your mood and let you be in control of blood glucose (and diabetes). So, exercise, be active or head to a beach.
Being positive might be beneficial, even when you are suffering from diabetes.
3. Makes People More Active
Physical activity boosts happiness. And when you’re happy, you would be active more.
Positive emotions will make you live a healthy lifestyle. You’ll be taking a healthier diet without even noticing. Yeah, that happens. When you are content, you’ll take fruits and vegetables without sulking.
But when you’re going through a bad time, (mostly) you crave for excessive carbs and sweets. Also, you want to just laze around.
When you experience positive emotions instead, you want to explore places and do more things. It also develops your physical health.
You interact with more people and make more friends, which further increases your happiness quotient.
Everything is interlinked, working towards your development. But first, you need to take a step forward.
It’s a never-ending cycle. And once you’re a part of it, you won’t want to move out of it. I vouch for that.
4. Reduces Sleep-related Problems

Another way positivity helps is by improving sleeping habits. Yes, happiness has a positive effect on your sleep. And it increases your productivity too.
Also, when you’re productive, you get new ideas and be more creative in your daily life. When you get things done, you feel more satisfied and have better sleep.
But when you’re worried, you’ll suffer from insomnia and intermittent sleep problems. Yep, negative emotions make you anxious and restless.
So, stay away from negative thoughts as much as possible. Try to observe your emotions. And when you find negative thoughts creeping in, divert your mind to think of the happy moments.
Be happy; enjoy better sleeps.
5. Improves the Functioning of the Immune System

Along with keeping chronic diseases and sleep disturbances in control, your positive attitude will keep the immune system healthy too.
Well, as per scientists, when you feel content and enjoy life, your body has a healthy antibody level. These antibodies strengthen your immune system. And it is better able to ward off common illnesses.
But when you experience negative emotions for a prolonged time, chances are antibody level will fall. And the body’s immune system will start deteriorating.
Optimistic people, therefore, not only can resist common cold and fever better than others but also fight them.
So, be optimistic to keep your immune system well.
6. Improves Coping Skills during Hardships
Positive emotions make you mentally strong too. And that also has a positive effect on your health, indirectly though.
For example, when you’re positive, you are less likely to resort to smoking or drinking during stressful situations. Instead, you’ll find productive ways to get the stress off.
Happy peeps usually pick up a hobby in such situations. Some will read, some will paint and some others will go on a short ride. Everyone has a different way to survive hardships, and none of them is self-harming.
I listen to music; you can be doing something else. But anyone positive will try to get back to their normal self by doing things they love.
Even focusing on the good things when you are not feeling at your best can help survive through hardships.
7. Improves Life Expectancy

And now, the last point. All these physical, mental, and emotional changes improve the normal functioning of your body and increase your life expectancy.
The lower risks of heart problems, protection from diabetes and increased physical activity have a compound effect.
Add to it, better sleep cycles, a stronger immune system, and lower stress. All those together, help you get a longer life.
So, start searching for positive aspects even in tough situations.
Practice meditation, strengthen your social connections and smile more often. Make positivity a part of your life.
Even those with chronic diseases like diabetes or cancer might live longer if they lead their lives with compassion, confidence, and contentment.
Wrapping it up,
Yes, positive emotions impact your health. However, being happy and positive doesn’t mean you should keep chanting the “Be Positive” mantra throughout the day. Nopes, you don’t have to.
There would be times when you will be sad or angry. But what matters is how soon you bounce back. Balance both emotions, and you would be fine. Start living!