I know it isn’t easy on you when a colleague is leaving the job. They often become lifelong friends by the time they move on to a different opportunity. And to strengthen that friendship calls for a special gift. Don’t worry, choosing a gift isn’t that difficult. In this article, I’m sharing seven unique gift ideas for a colleague leaving the job. So, go through the list and pick the most suitable one.
Unique Gift Ideas for a Colleague Leaving the Job
Here are seven gift ideas that won’t cost you fortune.
1- Ceramic Mug with Custom Designs

Among the top farewell gifts, I can think of for a co-worker moving away is a ceramic coffee mug. These mugs are available in unique designs and messages printed on them. From motivational messages to funny messages and cute designs to professional designs, you have many options.
And if you can’t find the ideal coffee mug, you can gift them one with a custom design. Add a personal message, and you have your unique gift for the colleague.
A custom-designed mug will remind them of you every time they use it. And if they don’t like coffee, you can gift them a personalized tea mug or beer glass instead.
2- A Pen with a Personalized Message
Apart from a custom mug, a personalized pen is a unique gift for a parting colleague. Yes, they’ll be happy to receive it and use it. You can inscribe the pen with their name only or a short message. Remember to get either a leather case or a wooden case to present the pen, if not available with it. Have a personal message printed on the case too.
Gift the pen along with a well-crafted leather journal, and that person sure will remember you for a long. And if you want to gift something more, add a metal pen holder.
3- A Colorful Desk Organizer

A desk organizer is an absolute must for a professional. And it can be a colorful farewell gift for your colleague. Different styles and color options are available. And a vibrant desk organizer won’t only keep the clips, pens, and other stationery in place but also brighten the desk.
Don’t overthink. Find an organizer that reminds them of their favorite celebrity, travel destination, or a cherished memory. So, they’ll remember you too, every time they are at their desk.
And if the co-worker has been a good friend, you can even gift a funny desk organizer.
3- Personal Care Gift Box Set
Another of the best gifts for the colleague is a personal care box set. Why? Whether that colleague is male or female, you can get tons of customizations in the market.
The personal care set can be a simple one; with soap, body lotion, and a perfume bottle. Or you can go for an elaborate box set.
You can get body wash, face scrub, beard cream, and whatever else you want to include for male colleagues. Similarly, for female colleagues, you can get different cleansing oils, face creams, and lotions, among other items.
Now, pack them all in a utility bag or wooden box, along with a heartfelt Thank-You card. Your perfect gift is ready.
4- Custom-made Photo Frame of the Team

Yaaa, gifting a team photo might turn out to be the most beautiful gift for the going-to-be-ex-colleague. This team photo can be from the group trek two years ago or the last year’s annual event.
And if you want to gift something fun, frame a drunk photo from the Holi celebration. You can also choose a photo from his/her birthday party celebration, with cake smashed on the face.
So, buy a frame and put the picture in it. And gift it along with a large greeting card with wishes scribbled by the entire team.
If you can’t find a photo of the team, collect different images of the group. Then, curate it for a digital slideshow frame.
5- A Delightful Book on Friendship
For co-workers who love to read, a book would be the best gift. Chances are, they might have read all the popular books. But whenever they see that book in their cupboard, it will remind them of you.
You can now gift them a bestselling fiction novel or a children’s fiction if you want to. Fiction books are best when you know what kind of books a person likes.
But when you don’t know a person well, go for non-fiction. Gift an inspirational book or a book on leadership and management or something in the finance genre. These are a superb choice for gifts and would be helpful as well.
6- A Bouquet

When you can’t think of the ideal goodbye gift for a colleague, give a bouquet of fresh flowers. But gift a colorful bouquet, instead of red roses. Red roses are more suited for romantic moments.
You can get pink roses, purple roses, or a combination of different roses instead. A bouquet of lilies, orchids, or sunflowers will also be a suitable gift.
And it would be even better if you gift a bunch of his/her favorite flowers. That person would be glad you remembered.
Now, present the bouquet with a Thank-You card. Some sweets or chocolates with that will be fine too.
Wrapping it up
I hope you’ve got plenty of gift ideas for a job leaving colleague. So, discuss with other team members, think about hobbies, and get creative. Get the one they will like the most.
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