Identifying a narcissistic husband can be a hard nut to crack if you don’t have a clue about the traits of narcissist husband. He doesn’t necessarily need to be cruel like Hitler. But his politely-manipulated allegations that bury you into guilt also make him the one. In general terms, narcissism is a personality disorder of inflated self-obsession and self-esteem.
However, it doesn’t always imply your self-centered husband to be a narcissist. Maybe, he is just concerned about his career. Are you now confused if your husband is a narcissist or not?
Without further ado, let’s explore the following traits to confirm it.
Traits of Narcissist Husband
Here are nine traits of narcissist husband you should watch out for.
1- Feels Bad If You Hang-out With Friends
Imagine a time when you went out with your best friend. Did your husband lash at you for not spending much time with him? If this usually happens, then there is something wrong. Instead of feeling guilty about it, be an investigator. Try to cross-check his connections.
In case you don’t find any long-term friends, then it’s probably a symptom of narcissism. And it’s his insecurities that make him lash at you and bad-mouth your friends. According to him, you should isolate yourself the way he does.
2- Hogs the Conversation to Appreciate His Deeds
A narcissist hubby always waits for a chance to flaunt his achievements so far. Even if you tell him about the Best Employee Award you received in the office, he will straight-away ignore it. The only reason for doing this is his craving for feeling superior to everyone else.
Well, it’s sometimes tough to realize this trait. Enlisted questions require your nod to verify it:
- Does he always get bored when it’s about your deeds?
- Is every discussion between you and him leading to his greatness?
3- Plays the Game of Gaslighting
“Baby, I did this because I care for you, but you always consider me wrong.” A narcissist partner always gives this manipulative justification for whatever wrong he does. No matter how righteous you are, the feeling of anxiousness and low confidence will conquer you by the end of the day.
Without a doubt, your husband is playing the game of gaslighting. In simple words, it’s emotional abuse. And you can’t afford to avoid this trait because it’s extremely dangerous. Part your way from him if he is doing this frequently.
4- Saying Sorry Is Not His Cup of Tea

Did you ever hear your husband saying sorry to you verbally? If it’s always about gestures, then it’s a narcissistic trait too. But it doesn’t mean that you start doubting your less-expressive hubby. This trait will always make you feel special until it comes in handy with all the discussed ones.
Following are some of the apology gestures of a narcissistic partner:
- He will take you to your favorite place for brunch
- He will suddenly become as romantic as Romeo
- He might order some personal care products for you
5- Lacks Empathy Towards Your Bad Day
“I am least interested in your sadistic office conversation.” It is the most common statement of a man with a narcissist trait. Even if you strive to make him feel how hurt you are, he won’t understand.
Either you argued with your best friend, or you cried due to a brawl with your parents. He will never console you. Instead, he will bad-mouth them reminiscing the time when he felt offended and hurt because of them. Since this trait can badly affect you, consider it a red flag.
6- Looks for Chance to Flirt with Others
Narcissist guys often find opportunities to cheat. Think of a moment when you both fought, and your man started flirting with his female boss. How did he behave when caught red-handed? If he threw the ball of the blame game in your court for his disloyalty, he’s a narcissist.
He can even accuse you of adultery to divert you from his mistake. If it happened once with you, and you forgave him, don’t give him another chance. Take a tough decision to step back from this toxicity.
7- Loves to Be a Bossy Boot
Narcissists want their wives to embrace a lifestyle according to them. They want their better-halves to dress according to them, eat their preferred cuisine, and whatnot. Is your husband always boiling in rage whenever you disagree with him? Then, he loves to be a bossy boot.
Well, his dominant character owes this behavior. Of course, desiring to be a bossy boot is not wrong. But, it’s dangerous if it affects someone’s attitude. Therefore, ensure to save yourself from your physical assaults in extreme cases.
8- Knocks You Down with Insults
Teasing each other is normal in married life if it’s a two-way street. If your husband constantly picks on you with jokes that aren’t funny but demeaning, something isn’t right. He is doing this to lower your self-esteem for the sake of increasing his own.
The moment you react, it’s a winning trophy for him. And taking credits for your achievements is another worst thing he can do. “It’s not your efforts but my sacrificed sleep that made you achieve this title.” This I-me-and-myself attitude with a tincture of insults always comes complimentary with a narcissist person.
9- Gets Irritated with Criticism
Does your husband shut his ears to all your criticisms and advice? If this happens every time, it’s a wake-up call for you. Possibly, it’s another narcissistic trait you must look for. As per his perceptions, he is always correct and better than you.
No one can criticize him because it’s his way of living. For him, your perspective doesn’t matter, even if it’s constructive. Ultimately, it will burn him in anger, and he can also yell at you out of irritation.
Final thoughts,
Undeniably, living with a narcissistic husband is not less than spending your life with an alcoholic man. Each trait is toxic, whether it’s his overly self-obsessed behavior, attention-seeking attitude, or low-empathetic nature.
We have discussed most common of the traits of narcissist husband above. Fix his appointment with a therapist if he shows at least six or all of these traits.
Did he disagree with seeing a therapist? Then, instead of risking your mental health, abandon him. There is no point in carrying a toxic relationship forward.
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