Jealousy can hamper the personal as well as professional growth of a person. According to Addresses on Bhakti Yoga, a book by Swami Vivekanand, jealousy is the root of all evil and a most difficult thing to conquer. So, it becomes essential to end this feeling in the beginning.
The vibes of jealousy at the workplace are the usual ones. The credit goes to your jealous co-worker who secretly curses you for your achievements. However, they never admit their envy towards you.
There are possibilities that your colleague is jealous of you if he/she does the following things frequently.
Signs If Your Colleague Is Jealous of You
1- Encourages You to Leave the Company
Is your co-worker sending you job postings from other companies when not even asked for? It’s time for you to smell a rat! The person is probably attempting to encourage you to leave your job. It’s your colleague’s jealousy and job insecurity that has made him/her do this, not the concern for you.
How to react in such a situation?
Smile and tell your colleague that you are happy with the organization and will share this link with someone in need. It will be a polite gesture to notify your associate about your disinterest in the deal.
2- Spread Negative Rumors About You

Your friend in the office can be your foe who maliciously gossips against you. Therefore, if you hear too many rumors against you, it’s a sign that someone is tarnishing your office reputation. Your closest colleague might be the one who wants to slender your image against your reporting manager and teammates.
How to react in such a situation?
Instead of getting stressed about this action, confront the person. It’s always better to talk! Ask the culprit to stop doing these unjustified things. If this does not work, then approach your HR personnel or manager to sort out the issue.
3- Try to Mislead Your Boss Against You
Throwing you under the bus will be the first thing your colleague will do for the task failures in the office. Does he/she often rush to complain about your mistakes to the boss? If yes, then your co-worker dislikes you. Besides that, the person won’t even think a second to tell lies about you to your boss.
How to tackle these circumstances?
The best way to tackle these circumstances is to document everything you do. Notify your boss about all the tasks you accomplish. Try to meet your deadlines on time because your jealous co-worker’s only motive is to make you look unprofessional in front of your boss.
4- Celebrates When You Fail in a Project
Think of a time when you failed to perform well in a project due to some reasons. And you went to your closest colleague to share your disappointment. If the person gives callous expressions, there are chances that he/she is happy with your failure. Undeniably, it’s your jealous colleague who will celebrate your defeat with a glass of wine at home.
How to behave if this happens?
The best thing you should do if this happens is to isolate yourself at a corner. And avoid talking to your envious colleague for some time. Do some self-introspection and focus on working on the glitches that led to your project’s failure.
5- Criticizes Your Work Openly

“Oh! It’s just your better luck that you were able to crack the deal.” If your colleague often uses these words tauntingly, it can be a sign of jealousy. Maybe your success is a threat to the person. Hence, he/she wants to put you down using these harsh words. Your envious co-worker won’t skip a chance to mock you in front of your teammates.
How to deal with this condition?
The easiest way of dealing with this condition is your zero reactions. Don’t explain to anyone the reasons for your success. Eventually, your jealous colleague will give up on criticizing your work openly.
Final Thoughts,
Indeed, your jealous colleague is the one who sprinkles toxicity in your working environment. The evil-headed will spread rumors against you, criticize you for your success, and always celebrate your failures.
Even though we discussed the probable traits of your jealous colleague, this might not always be the reality. It’s sometimes your instinct that helps you distinguish between right and wrong people in your life.
Did we miss some signs to find your jealous co-workers and the solutions to deal with them? Don’t forget to mention them in the comments. We would love to know them all.
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