You spend a significant amount of time in your office. And you tend to meet a lot of nice people around there. Although the office is a professional space, the possibility of co-workers wanting to have a personal relationship with you is quite high. So you should know office romance signs to act quickly before it becomes late.
According to the job site, more than 58% of employees have an office romance with their colleagues.
However, most of the time this office romance gets messy and damages your career. You might also get wrong impressions, whether he/she tries to help you as a friend or have an affair with you. Confessing without knowing their intention can put you in an embarrassing situation.
Are you in that terrible situation now? Don’t worry we got you. Signs are the way to confirm that this co-worker has an interest in you or not.
This article contains seven office romantic signs that will bring out the true intentions of this co-worker. So stick until the end.
Office Romance Signs

1- Eagerness in Your Personal Life
The workplace is the place for professional discussion. But not to every person. The person who is interested in you is always eager to know about your personal life. It’s like your personal interest, hobbies, daily routine, etc.
He/She deliberates to find out about your relationship status or whether you’re seeing someone else. This colleague finds any excuses to talk about your interest and try to know your personal information. Then, it’s one of the obvious signs of romantic intention.
Don’t decide only by this. You also need to check other signs mentioned in the article to make sure the co-worker is interested in you.
2- Excessive Flirting
For many people, flirting is a normal thing in day-to-day life. We’re all in that situation before. Yet flirting with only you is also a sign of the romantic interest in you.
This flirting includes bumping into you often and complimenting you for little things. If you got complimented for even petty office tasks too, then it’s a sign.
The upcoming section gives more insight on the body language so that you can be sure
3- Changes in Body Language
Body language doesn’t tells lies. It often reveals the hidden intentions of your coworkers. And one of the important body language signals is eye contact.
Eye contact is the crucial thing when it comes to office romance signs. This worker can’t able to take eyes off you and have prolonged eye contact with you.
These are the obvious signs of interest in you. And the other body language is that you will find this co-worker annoyed or uncomfortable when you’re hanging around with other workers
You can also notice the sudden changes in body language when you’re talking about switching to another job.
4- Eager to Help You
Everybody in the office seems to be busy due to lots of work. Sometimes you wish that if anybody helps you, it’ll be easy for you.
But what if that help constantly coming from the same person and that colleague is pleased to help you. This colleague eager to help more and give you gifts, and wants to take you outside after work. Remember this, selfless good deeds don’t exist as Joey said in the FRIENDS series.
It’s more than that. This colleague is attracted to you. This doesn’t show the helping tendency. It just shows the romantic intentions for you.
5- Excuses to Spend Time with You

This co-worker wants to spend more time with you so he/she finds any excuses to work with you on the same projects. You can see it if you observe. Especially volunteering to work with you is an obvious sign.
You can see this co-worker as a shadow to yourself wherever you go. Not only in the office space, but also at the cafeteria. You think, what if it’s a coincidence, right?. How do I make sure? Let’s find out.
Try changing your work routine and things that you usually do in the office and you will still see this worker hanging around you. Then, it’s an obvious sign that this co-worker is attracted to you
6- Change in Appearances
Appearances are essential to attraction and this co-worker knows that very well. That’s why this worker constantly updating his/her look.
An interested coworker will notice every small detail about you. This also includes minor details that are very difficult to notice in day-to-day life. But still, this co-worker remembers everything. It shows the special attention of this worker on you. This is one of the sure signs that the worker is interested in you.
If you want to be sure, then change your look constantly. Still, as this co-worker notices, the intentions are now quite clear.
7- Admiration and Protection for You
This colleague often mentions what personality traits that he/she admires and say that you’ve got a lot of that. This admiration goes to a stage of bragging about your positives like intellectual, hard work, honesty, etc.
This colleague never speaks in contrast to you and always takes your side and supports you. It shows the affection of this colleague for you
Male co-workers often do this. He’s always protective towards you and the weird part is, it’s only you. He acts like a soldier who sworn his duty to protect you. Then it’s an obvious sign that he is attracted to you and that’s why he’s doing this.
Final thoughts
These are the office romantic signs that you should watch out for. Eagerness in your personal life, excessive flirting, change in body language, always ready to help you,e excuse to spend time with you, change in appearances, admiration, and protection for you are some common signs that signal someone is interested in you.
Do you want to share any other office romance signs? Please leave them in the comment section.
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